Tutorial: Using Arduino SPI - Part 1 - Introduction
This is the first of three videos in a series explaining the Arduino SPI interface and how to use it
Part 2 shows how to use the Microchip MCP4922 Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) - http://youtu.be/X6wnT83V0bY
Part 3 will show how to use the Microchip MCP3204 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) - http://youtu.be/PiUp7xVxbkc.
These tutorials also form part of my Instructable for a Constant Current, Resistance and Power dummy load http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Programmable-Constant-Current-Power-Resist/. Please check that out.
Thanks for watching, please feel free to leave any comments or questions below."
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