Raspberry Pi Model B+

An overview of the Raspberry Pi Model B+ introduced in July 2014. Includes a comparison with the earlier Model B, building a DIY mount, and a quick look at what you can do with a Raspberry Pi. :)

The latest Raspberry Pi is now the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B, which I cover in this video:


To learn more, checkout my other Raspberry Pi videos. These were made using the previous Model B, but will work just the same with the new Model B+. Hurrah!

Setting Up a Raspberry Pi:

Raspberry Pi XMBC Media Player:

Raspberry Pi Robotics #1: GPIO Control:

Raspberry Pi Robotics #2: Zumo Robot:

And for more videos on computing and related stuff, please visit:

If you are into things like 3D printing and space travel, you may also like my other channel at:

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